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Monday, October 9, 2017

Why Is Raking Leaves So Important?

Why Is Raking Leaves So Important?

 A lot of people don't know that raking their leaves can be very beneficial and healthy, and not doing so can be very harmful. Here is a list to look over and decide if one, or all, reasons are well worth raking your leaves or hiring somebody to do so.

  1. Your lawns have to breathe.
  2. Pest and diseases can appear.
  3. Problems like snow mold and brown patch can appear as well.
  4. A layer of leaves form a barrier that blocks water, nutrients, and a healthy air flow from getting down to the root system of your grass.
  5. Prevents new grass blades from emerging next spring.
If you want to prevent these from happening.. RAKE YOUR LEAVES!!

Leaves can get in the way and cause something very important to be missing.. sunlight. With too much shade underneath, it messes up the growth of your grass. We've all picked up that piece of wood laying in the yard to find yellowish dead grass underneath. Don't let your leaves be that piece of wood.

Are you in need of a raking?
A lot of people want their leaves raked up to keep that nice, clean, crisp manicured look. BUT.. If you are just concerned about your yards health, then only worry about raking if there are layers of leaves in your yard. If only a few are scattered about, and you're not caring about looks, then wait until you have a nice layer before taking action.

Thanks so much for taking the time to read this information, hope you enjoyed it and hopefully it will bring your awareness to the matter before any of the above things happen.